Following a thorough examination of the most popular live chat services, we concluded that all companies provide comparable features and bundles. They all include basic live chat capability as part of their beginning packages and integration possibilities, as well as extra features as part of their upgrade packages.
We were unable to locate a vendor who provided a unique function that other live chat providers did not. When selecting a live chat solution for your website, consider three factors: pricing, integration options, and extra features.
The cost of live chat software is based on a monthly subscription. As seen in the table below, the monthly cost ranges from $15 to $49.
In most cases, the cost is determined by the number of agents desired, additional features, analytics history, and integration choices.
Don’t just pick with the lowest alternative; instead, compare the pricing pages of each vendor to find the software with the features you’ll actually use. Use their trial period to put the software through its paces on your website before committing to a paying plan.