The best ways to boost your Instagram post reach. Part 3.

Let’s continue to look at other ways to increase coverage.

Grey ways
We classified as grey methods those that, as it were, are not prohibited, but at the same time are not very honest.

22. Activity chats.
Activity chats on Instagram itself or in any messenger. You drop a post into this chat and its participants immediately start to like you. There are paid and free chats. Just do not participate in any giveaways, so you will only recruit freeloaders, who will then greatly spoil the statistics.

23. Clearing accounts from bots.
The essence of this method is blocking inactive and commercial accounts that have not followed at all in order to like and watch your posts. In principle, you can also block such accounts manually, so this method is not in the black part of the collection. On the other hand, doing it with pens is long and dreary, you definitely need the right software – therefore, this method did not get on the bright side. Alternatively, you can ban all commercial profiles as soon as they subscribe.

24. Sites for the exchange of activities.
Almost the same as activity chats, only with a lower quality audience. The goal of all their participants is the same – to get more likes, comments and followings for themselves. The likelihood that such an audience will then be active is very small. On the other hand, if you have a lot of high-quality catchy content, then perhaps these people will eventually become active.

25. Subscription to active followers of competitors.
Also, not quite an honest method. We go to competitors, see who is active with them and establish contact with these people – we subscribe to them, like and comment on their posts.

26. Liktime.
In fact, this is an artificial set of likes, so we did not write about it in white methods of increasing coverage. But it is not prohibited by the rules of Instagram. It decorates statistics well, so many bloggers enjoy using this trick. The bottom line is that you declare the liketime under the post and explain that you need to put 3-4 likes under the last posts and write in the comment “I want likes”. Each next commentator must do the same, plus go to the last commentator and like him too and write “I want to like” already under his post. As a result, everyone gets a lot of likes and comments, especially the author of the liketime. The terms of the liketime may differ, depending on the author.

You can come up with your own version of the game – for example, instead of likes, you need to write comments or save the post to bookmarks. And call it Comment time or something else. Since soon Instagram will turn off likes anyway and there will be less meaning in them. The truth will not turn off completely, but only for public viewing. The account owner will still be able to see the likes under his posts, but the subscribers will no longer.

Black ways to increase reach
These methods are officially prohibited by the social network itself, and it fights against them in every possible way. It is not recommended using them, as it threatens to block your account. We will write about them so that you try to avoid them.

27. Mass activities.
Massfollowing, massliking, messaging, mass marks in stories and more. If your account is in a respectful age, then on average you can subscribe and like up to 5 thousand users a month. Some of them will follow you, some just go to your profile. But the number of views and reach will definitely grow. But we don’t break the limits of 5,000 subscribers per month.

28. Cheat.
Services have appeared that allow you to wind up not only likes and followers but also audience coverage. In fact, they do not give anything except beautiful numbers. Well, except that the ban of the account.

29. Services of automatic unfollowing.
We have already categorized clearing your account from bots as a grey method. If you do decide to use automated services to clear your account of inactive followers, then do it carefully. Use a random time and unfollow interval in the settings so that the algorithm does not suspect that the program is doing this. Better yet, don’t use these services at all, because the chances of making a mistake and losing your account are very high.

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