Eight UX Tips to Boost Your Online Store Sales.

Creating a good user interface for an online store is important for any niche, and especially for those looking to achieve high results.

1. Improve customer service with chatbots
Users don’t mind chatting with chatbots if they solve their problems. For many business owners, chatbots are the ideal solution for several reasons:

– Ability to reduce costs;

– Automation of customer service;

– Faster answers to 80% of common questions;

– Support for round-the-clock business availability;

– Collecting reviews from potential customers;

– Ability to offer discounts, useful content, etc.

It’s possible that chatbots will become a must-have for any commercial site in a few years, and it’s no surprise that more and more customers are looking for immediate 24/7 support.

2. Get rid of lags in navigation
Unclear site navigation can confuse your customers.
Cluttered architecture, slow loading speed or lack of a search bar—all these factors can lead to lags in the navigation on the site. The more difficulty your visitors have, the more likely they are to leave.

Make sure your navigation is clear and understandable. This approach will help reduce delays in navigation and improve site performance.

3. Show signs of trust
Everyone knows that shopping on the Internet is a riskier business than in regular stores. If you want to show that your business takes security seriously, you need to increase customer confidence when shopping online. To do this, you can use trust marks on the pages.

There are several important points to keep in mind. First, not all signs or seals are effective. They only work well enough if they are recognizable and related to security. So adding a random sign is probably not the best idea.

4. Include all fees in advance.
It all depends on what you expect from your customers. Do you want them to make one purchase and be gone forever, or turn the majority of your website visitors into repeat customers?

5. Include testimonials from satisfied customers
Adding customer reviews is always a win-win. You know very well that online reviews can have a significant impact on your conversions. When people look at reviews from satisfied customers, they are more likely to make a buying decision.

6. Provide a guest checkout option
Getting customers to create a website account before buying is a common selling tactic among online retailers. In most cases, marketers use the received email addresses to send out promotional and newsletters. But let’s say customers don’t want to waste time providing their contact information before making a purchase. All they need is to buy the product without any strings attached.

!!! 23% of customers are willing to abandon their cart if they need to create an account before making a purchase. So if you don’t enable guest checkout, you’re just killing the conversion. Make sure your site allows you to view products and make purchases without providing an email address.

7. Improve the mobile experience.
According to Google, 77% of online shoppers are more likely to purchase products from companies whose mobile apps or websites allow them to make a purchase quickly. Be sure to optimize your site for mobile devices and use a responsive design. Get rid of any clutter (unnecessary words, unnecessary images, pop-ups, etc.) and simplify the form for mobile interaction. It’s also important that your content is concise and informative. All of this takes time and effort, but the results are worth it.

8. Segment and analyse traffic
It’s critical to segment your traffic and personalize the entire customer journey. With this data, you will be able to personalize the messages that appear as soon as users enter the site, and the offers.

Providing a good user experience for your online store visitors and customers is an ongoing process that takes time, effort, and money. But the more you invest, the more sales you get.

Hopefully, these tips will help you get a clear idea of ​​how to improve your website to increase conversions and keep customers coming back to you again and again. Obviously, not all methods are right for you.

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