Google Completed Rollout December’ 2021 Product Reviews Update

Google has confirmed that the launch of the December 2021 Product Reviews Update—another update related to the ranking of product reviews—is complete.

The update was launched on December 1st. The full rollout took 20 days.

These changes continued to apply only to reviews in English. They did not affect content in other languages.

According to the comments of Western experts, the update was quite large—larger than the April one. At the same time, volatility persisted throughout the deployment.

As a reminder, Product Reviews Updates are designed to increase the rankings of more detailed and informative product reviews. In the December update, the search engine also began to take into account two new factors.
– The presence of evidence (photo, video, etc.) of a real experience of interaction with the product, confirming the authenticity of the review.
– Inclusion of links to several sellers of the product, so that the user can choose where to make a purchase.

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