Instagram 2020. What’s new?

In 2016, Instagram replaced the chronological tape with an algorithmic one. Many still do not fully understand what factors influence the ranking of posts.

We have prepared a review of the main factors for ranking posts in the Instagram feed. We’ll also talk about what happened to the social network recently.

Previously, Instagram had a simple, linear tape of posts. Posts were shown in order. However, it turned out that this is not convenient for users – they skipped up to 70% of the records. To fix this, Instagram developers introduced an algorithmic feed for posts.
Instagram uses artificial intelligence to analyze the interests of its users. Accounts with the same subscriptions have different forms of feed.

Instagram management identifies three main ranking factors:


Other factors also play a role, but these three are in priority.

1. Interest
Instagram knows what content the user interacts with most often: likes, comments, or flips through a post. Therefore, the tape is formed taking into account the priority topics of a particular user.

2. Recency
Despite the fact that the Instagram feed has become algorithmic, the social network still looks at the chronology. So, first, posts for the user are first sorted by his interests, then – by the date of publication.

3. Relationship
Like Facebook, Instagram shows posts to those people with whom the user most often communicates.

Additional factors
1. Frequency
This is not about the frequency of posting content, but about how often the user opens the application. The Instagram algorithm shows him the best posts during his absence on the network.

For example, if a person visits Instagram once an hour, then he sees the best posts in an hour. If you watch the tape once a day, you will see the best posts of the day. Best means from those accounts that are of most interest to him, with which interaction most often occurs.

2. Followings
If a user is followed to many accounts, Instagram adapts to his interests and selects the most relevant posts. Accordingly, people simply will not see part of the publications.

3. Use
Depending on how much time the user devotes to Instagram, the social network algorithm decides whether you will see the best posts during short sessions or more posts if you spend a lot of time there.

Instagram 2020 – what’s new in algorithms?
Reach more important than subscribers
Statistics say that the average ER of large accounts is lower than that of medium and micro-profiles. And with the growth of the account, it only falls.

The fight against mass following and mass liking
Grey wrapping methods, such as the mass following, mass liking continue to die.

More content
In 2020, Instagram requires more dedication. In the struggle for high reach, bloggers and brands win, which not only produce quality content, but also release it regularly. There is no optimal publication frequency. It all depends on:

✅ industry;
✅ target audience;
✅ post quality;
✅ the amount of information you can provide.

To make Instagram algorithm love you – increase your reach.
Everything is simple. The more users see your content, the more people who can somehow interact with it, and the more profit you get in the end.

To get around competitors and win the difficult struggle for the hearts of the audience, you must adhere to these rules:

Post regularly
More often catch the eye of subscribers, often appear in their feeds. But this should not be to the detriment of the quality of the content. Is it possible to publish every day? Excellent! Both the audience and the algorithms will appreciate it.

At the same time, you do not need to do a post for the sake of a post: choose the optimal amount for yourself, draw up a content plan, thinking through the topics and formats of the posts.

Understand what subscribers like. Long or short posts? Photo or video? Visual or text? Or all together? Do not be shy, ask them directly (in story), write a separate post, analyze publications and find out the best hours for posting using Instagram analytics. Note that it is available only to business accounts.

In order for the algorithm to consider that you are close enough with the audience, respond to comments extensively, like and comment on the posts of your subscribers, respond to messages in Direct. Also, browse accounts similar to yours and participate in discussions there.

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