Instagram has launched the “Live Rooms” feature

Instagram has officially announced “Live Rooms”, which will allow for live broadcasts and invite up to three people to participate. Previously, only one person could be invited.

How to launch Instagram Live Room and how it works.
During live broadcasts, viewers will be able to buy authors’ badges, buy the product the host is talking about, or take part in a fundraising campaign. Additional streaming tools such as moderation and audio features are also coming soon.

To create a Live Room and add participants, during a broadcast, tap the Rooms icon. You will see people who asked to join you, you can also find the user you want to add.

When you start a video chat, you will always stay at the top of the screen.

Live Rooms will soon be available to all Instagram users.

Previously, Instagram rolled out the Multi-Shot mode in Stories for more users, as well as integration with Shopify.

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